I just blink and the week is over...I seem to be spending more time in Sydney working on the current strategy paper than at home. I feel out of kilter, un-balanced and far from "me". Enough moaning! I will be up at 1.45am tomorrow again for a day in Sydney and then back home and then home for Haydn's 6th Birthday and then back to Sydney again Thursday and Friday. Yes I know - Iam a glutton for punishment.
Thought I would share some photos of Slippery's Fiji training camp with the World Cup side. We miss him heaps but know he is off doing something he loves. The first is meeting the President and Prime Minister and the second is what Slip calls "Pool Session - Fiji style".
Mum and I had a lovely trip with the two kids to the Eumundi Markets yesterday and then another trip today to Fernvale Markets and to pick up a new slasher for Dad. I feel at least like I have had a weekend.
Hope to post again during the week - maybe even from my second home - Qantas Club.
All the best
Farmer Bub

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