Life is just so kind to me...I always seem to have plenty to do and just enough time to get all the important stuff done.
The global financial crisis is certainly providing me with ample opportunity to fill my days. The life of a Banker is certainly full of things to do - really important things too...like revamping strategies that were perfectly fine six months ago that are now no longer quite so promising. Trimming (that means slashing in bank terms) expenses and creating ingenious ways to secure this years forecast revenues. Such delightful days spent in the big smoke, doing my bit to be optimistic about an economy that seems destined to grind to a halt.
Then there is the host of hours spent fixing flood gates, keeping calves branded up, buying cattle, keeping the book work up to date, fixing flood gates again (not complaining we love the rain) and generally making sure that all the bovine, ovines and equines are happy and healthy. As luck would have it the farm work is just growing by the minute with my vegetable garden sprouting weeds daily. Unlike the world of finance, the farm is definitely in summer growth period. No downturn here.
Of course, this time of the year, I have the promise of covering school books, labelling pens and uniforms, organising lunch boxes and school bags/hats/drink bottles and the list goes on. Back to school really should be translated as the best reason of all for me to have plenty to do! Haydn will be in Year 1 and the big girl, Claudia in Year 4.
Add to the above mix, the start of our brand new business, www.qldnaturalbeef.com.au and I am brimming with jobs to do.
Instead of complaining I am relishing my luck that I get to be busy - the opposite is far worse.
I hope your life is busy too.
all the best
Farmer Bub